Tuesday 28 July 2009

Cycling in Las Vegas

Well, kind of...did 8 miles UPHILL on an exercise bike which had a computer screen and handlebars you had to move...check this out


Thursday 23 July 2009

15 years today

So, 15 years ago today. 4pm. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was working at Argos. Ken appeared at the bottom of the stairs and said Dad had died. Go to his house, and he was at rest. Even now, 15 years on, there isn't a day I don't think about him, what fun we could have had together. He didn't see Pat or I graduate, see Jen and I get married, see the successful careers Pat, Jen and I have forged for ourselves. Of course he never saw his grand-daughter, and he would have doted on her - although I still don't think I would have got him near a nappy.

Now here I stand with a beautiful and smart two year old daughter, and a nine year old marriage to a fantastic woman, I am blissfully happy. Time is a great healer - what doesn't knock you down does make you stronger. I have strived every day to make my Dad proud, and although I don't believe in all that guff, I'd like to believe somewhere he's looking down on us all, a proud proud man.

9-13 September will be tough, but I will get there, and yet again I hope you will be proud of me - I still miss you Dad and hopefully I am doing my bit in your memory.

Monday 20 July 2009

Same loop as last week....

Was going to do 23 miles yesterday bu tthe weather closed in (haven't bought my waterproofs yet) and Jen locked herself out of the house so it was just the 9 miles in the end...

Basically roughly the same loop as last week but a bit slower - the wind was a killer, at some points I was averaged about 9 mph which is just not fast enough...

Local journalism at it's best.....

Piece in the Hunts Post - interestingly enough I appear to have founded Ely bowls club with my grand-dad, and my Dad is back from the dead to do the bike ride...

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Kit bought...

OK so have bought the kit and have started training in earnest. Last night I worked out a 9.5 mile loop which I then went and did in around 45 mins - I have attached the GPS of the route and also the speed Vs heart rate graph - heart rate of 180ish a couple of times - bit too high really!

The plan is to do 10 miles Mon/Wed/Fri and 30-40 at weekends so I have now got 2 10 mile routes and will add more - need to get some longer loops sorted.

Monday 13 July 2009

More fame....


Article in Hunts Post and possibly going to be in the Ely Standard too......

Friday 10 July 2009

Kit buying/Training Starts

OK, so I am off to buy the kit on Saturday and then the training starts on Monday. I am about 4 weeks late starting my training so I had better really go for it this time.

On the weight front I am down to around 13 st 6 lbs which is obviously good - I reckon I could do with shedding another stone yet though. Sponsorship is up to £1,840 and has slowed a little. Am going to have a push over the next week or two...

Tuesday 7 July 2009



It's wet and I have been on a 4 day stag do in Magalluf...not exactly looking forward to training this week - manana manana.....