So back from Vegas nearly half a stone heavier - that's what chips with everything does to you. Whilst over there I trialled the awesome Expresso bike as per below but aprt from that did bugger all exercising...so yesterday I thought it was high time to head out for a 15 miler - my furthest yet and the bare minimum from hereonin. The trip itself could be broken down into three stages really - the first five miles, nearly all hup hill were hard work but then I seemed to get into a good downhill rhythm for the next 5, meaning an average over that part of about 18 mph...I then found the last few miles quite tough (alot more uphill) but still managed a creditable 1 hr and 2 mins for 15.3 miles...couldn't find my heart monitor thogh which was annoying and have got to change the settings slightly on my shoes, but it felt ok and now need to make sure I do this every other day for the next five weeks....
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