In precisely 12 weeks and 2 days I will be attempting to cycle from London to Paris in 4 (yes that's 4) days. Given that the largest ride I have ever done in one go is about 12 miles you could say I might have bitten off more than I can chew. Then factor in that I am a fat bugger, always have been, and I have never been particularly fit. I am also 34, and have a full time job, and a two year old!
Weight-wise a few months back myself and my wife, Jen, went on a bit of a diet and I am down from 15st 10lbs to (after a week's holiday, and chips on 4/5 occasions!!!) 13st 12lbs. Ideally - for the bike ride - I want to be down to around 12st. I haven't been that light since I was born.
So - What to do?
Still got to get the bike serviced and have road tyres etc put on (this week)
Buy some cycling gear (drinking bottles, lycra galore! (this week)
Work out some 10-15 mile routes (this week)
Start training (next week)
Lose weight (ongoing - 2 pounds a week it looks like (ish))
Raise more money (ongoing) - Donate HERE
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